We have lots of stories to tell but we are not sure where to begin?? How about some of our favorite pictures from Kuna Yale, also known as San Blas Islands.
This photo was taken by Dana during her visit in April. It is an anchorage known to the Gringos as The Hot Tub. Part of the Holandes Cays, it is called Maoqui-Kaimou by the local Indians.
The photo is taken from Fine Line looking out to the reef. There is fantastic snorkeling and fishing here.
Anchored in the East Lemon Cays. Another nice photo Dana
Sunset is spectacular in the San Blas Islands.
Another sunset in the East Lemmon Cays. This shows the island of Banedup and a local fishing boat with sails up.
Another beautiful shot by Dana in The Hot Tub.
Cloudy Day but still beautiful.
Conch is a favorite food of the Kuna Indians. Conch shells litter almost all beaches.
Many of the islands have only one Indian family living on them. It is always a good idea to ask permission to walk on the island. Sometimes it will cost you a buck or two. The Indians are good hosts and they know the value of their islands
Kuna hermit crab
An uninhabited island just waiting for you......
Dana, Laura and Nick walking on island in the Coco Banderos Cays.
Sunset in the East Holandes Cays.
The Kuna Indians grow coconuts and use them for trade with the Colombians. Each tree is tended by a Kuna family and you had better not take a coconut or else......
A nice shot by Steve of the very popular anchorage known as the Swimming Pool. It is located in the East Holandes Cays. Boats stay here for months.....some for years.
The end of a perfect day.
Photo by Steve

Anne and Steve
s/v Fine Line